Welcome to my crib! Feel free to stick around for a while and just chill.
If you're wondering who I am, I’m a hobbyist artist and part-time hippie summoning daydreams and conjuring pastel hell. You can learn more about me On my about page!
Please excuse the massive mess around here. Just started getting back into coding, so my websites gonna look pretty wack at times.
I made this site mainly to pass the time & just be myself. I also made this as a resouce for others who need a nice rest stop in the wild west of the interwebs.
I've got a lot of ideas floating in my brain!
Jamming To:
"Mariposa" - Peach Tree Rascals
Vibing At:
Your Mom's House
Last Updated:
8 . 15 . 2023:
8 . 14 . 2023:
8 . 13 . 2023:
8 . 12 . 2023:
8 . 11 . 2023:
8 . 10 . 2023: